own technique     painting: oil     painting: acrylic     painting: pastels     drawing: charcoal     drawing: ink     photograph     film     printmaking technique     spatial object     art in public space     studio/texts/events     INSTALLATION "Copyright (C) Justyna Grodecka"     BOOK "Copyright (C) Justyna Grodecka"     INSTALLATION "Justyna Grodecka TM"     Solo exhibition "Copyright (C) Justyna Grodecka"     ALL  
"'Wypalenie / Burnout' and 'Spalony pomysł / Burnt Idea' on view in Rondo Sztuki Gallery, Katowice" studio/texts/events |
"'MAM WIĘKSZE JAJA NIŻ TWÓJ OJCIEC' on view in BWA Ostrowiec Gallery" studio/texts/events |
"BWA Rzeszów Award for 'Burden' ('Burden', 2020, oil on canvas)" studio/texts/events |
"BWA Rzeszów Award for 'Burden'. On the photo: 'Red Face with Symbols', 'Justus: Lobotomia'" studio/texts/events |
"KTR Award and the painting 'Poisoned Face with a Knife in the Back'/'Zatruta morda z nożem w plecach'" studio/texts/events |
"(C) wygląda jak bańka / (C) Looks Like a Bubble" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Wypalenie', 'Spalony pomysł', hand-burnt drawings on wood)" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Czerwona morda / Red Face', oil painting on canvas)" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Czerwona morda z symbolami / Red Face with Symbols', oil painting on canvas)" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Baby Yellow', 'Baby Blue', 'Baby Pink', own technique on canvas)" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Justyna Grodecka TM', ink drawing on cardboard)" studio/texts/events |
"Solo show 'Justyna Grodecka: Chronic Rage Disorder' ('Burden', oil painting on canvas)" studio/texts/events |
"Tratwy / Rafts" studio/texts/events |
"The awarded "Inner Emigration" series / Nagrodzona seria "Emigracja wewnętrzna"" studio/texts/events |
"The awarded "Inner Emigration" series / Nagrodzona seria "Emigracja wewnętrzna"" studio/texts/events |
"The awarded "Inner Emigration" series / Nagrodzona seria "Emigracja wewnętrzna"" studio/texts/events |
"Nieważne dokąd idziemy. Ważne, że znikamy." studio/texts/events |
"Justyna Grodecka: The "Inner Emigration" Series / Seria "Emigracja wewnętrzna"" studio/texts/events |
"Emigracja wewnętrzna / Inner Emigration (series)" studio/texts/events |
"Justyna Grodecka: Studio 03.2021" studio/texts/events |
"'Justyna Grodecka: Artistic practice (the description -from 2020- of works) / Praktyka artystyczna (opis -z 2020 r.- twórczości)" studio/texts/events |
"Justyna Grodecka: Studio 2018" studio/texts/events |
"'Justyna Grodecka: Pankrólish - Prolog' (Solo show, the description -from 2018- of Pankrólish) / (Wystawa indywidualna, opis -z 2018 r.- grupy prac Pankrólish)" studio/texts/events |
Copyright © Justyna Grodecka |